Did you know that studying abroad is the best way to improve your English speaking skills?

In truth mastering English is more than just a desirable skill; it’s often a necessity. Because of that, thousands of students are going to study abroad in a native speaker country to reach fluency.

Whether you’re aiming to advance your career, broaden your academic horizons, or simply navigate the global landscape traveling around the word, the ability to speak English fluently can open countless doors.

However, achieving true fluency, especially in speaking, requires more than just classroom learning. One of the most effective ways to enhance your speaking skills is to improve your English overseas.

Today we will explain when the best time for you is to focus on improving your speaking abilities. We’ll explore why studying abroad is the ultimate strategy for improving your English-speaking skills.

We’ll dive into the benefits of immersive learning, the opportunities for cultural exchange, and practical tips to make the most out of your experience. So, if you’ve been wondering, “Should I study abroad to improve my speaking skills?”—the answer is an echoing yes. Let’s explore why.

study abroad

 Why Study Abroad?

First, studying abroad is more than just an academic experience; it’s a transformative journey that offers unparalleled opportunities for personal and professional growth.

In fact, according to reach provided by Pearson, which interviewed more than 5,000 English as a second language speakers or additional language speakers from Japan, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Italy, and Florida (USA), across all countries, 80 per cent of respondents believe English proficiency skills are directly linked to earning potential, viewing strong English language skills as leading to as much as an 80% salary increase.

Cleary you can learn English from anywhere of this world, however study abroad is when you immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment, you’re not just learning the language; you’re living it.

Here’s why studying abroad is so effective for improving your speaking skills:

  1. Total Immersion
    When you study abroad, you’re surrounded by English 24/7. From ordering food at a coffee shop to participating in group discussions in class, every interaction becomes an opportunity to practice your speaking skills. This constant exposure accelerates your learning and helps you develop a natural, conversational flow in English.
  2. Real-World Practice
    Unlike classroom settings where conversations are often structured and predictable, studying abroad exposes you to real-world scenarios. You’ll learn to navigate different accents, slang, and cultural nuances, which are crucial for achieving fluency.
  3. Cultural Immersion
    Language and culture are deeply intertwined. By immersing yourself in a new culture, you gain a deeper understanding of the language’s context, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references. This cultural immersion enhances your speaking skills by helping you communicate more naturally and effectively.
  4. Confidence Building
    Speaking a new language can be intimidating, but the more you practice, the more confident you become. Studying abroad pushes you out of your comfort zone, encouraging you to engage in conversations and overcome the fear of making mistakes.
  5. Networking Opportunities
    Studying abroad allows you to build a global network of friends, classmates, and professionals. These connections not only enhance your language skills but also provide valuable opportunities for your future career.

Secondly you can study in the best school in Vancouver, but you need to understand that there are English levels to achieve, before investing in conversation.

In truth, the British council says that level B2 corresponds to independent language users, i.e., those who have the necessary fluency to communicate without effort with native speakers.

Because of that, our institution developed a speaking series of unique courses that concentrate on oral and aural proficiency:

Speaking Clinic:

This program has been created for students that have mastered the basics of grammar – completing the Upper Intermediate level B2/C1 – and has improved their vocabulary and are struggling to make the leap to oral fluency in English.

Differences in pitch and rhythm and difficulties with pronunciation are often barriers for students being able to explain their ideas and opinions in English.

In summary, this course has been specifically designed to perfect your spoken English by concentrating on overcoming whatever is standing in the way of you being able to communicate clearly and confidently.

It is important to say that native speakers from the UK, Ireland, Australia may sound a bit different from North America. Some words can be spelled and pronounced differently.

As a result as our institution is based in Vancouver, Canada so we teach North American English.

Furthermore, the same will happen with all native speakers from other English countries, or with a bilingual speaker. Although the pitch and rhythm are in most of the cases, the same.

Speaking Clinic Intro:

With the purpose of improving their speaking abilities from the first levels (Low Intermediate and Elementary) this course helps students with difficulty in differentiating formality of language and end up sounding too formal.

At this point in their language development, students understand the basics of English and can communicate in limited sentences, use some connecting words, discuss familiar topics, ask for clarification, and have a good grasp of common, everyday vocabulary.

In other words, each Speaking Course has at its core the elements of mastering native speaker pronunciation, rhythm, pitch, intonation and pronunciation as well as idiomatic language.

Not to mention the frequent error correction and confidence building activities make these must have courses for students serious about studying abroad to improve their speaking skills.

Having said this, to perfect your pronunciation on Speaking Clinic and Speaking Clinic Intro we use dramatization through theater texts, soap operas and films dialogues. Using everyday conversation to focus on improving oral skills.

Tips for Enhancing Your Fluency While Studying Abroad

To recapitulate, there are many English-speaking countries around the globe and to help understand some differences between them we prepared a blog post “Learning English to live an international experience”  which we have the pros and cons from some of the most famous English countries.

It is important to say that only being overseas won’t make you improve your conversation skills.

To collaborate on making the most of your time abroad here are some practical tips to make the most of your study abroad experience and improve your English-speaking skills.

  1. Engage in Conversations Daily

One of the most effective ways to improve your English-speaking skills is by practicing speaking every day. Take advantage of your study abroad experience by engaging in conversations with locals, classmates, and fellow students.

Join clubs, attend social events, or simply strike up a conversation while shopping or on public transportation. The more you practice speaking, the more confident and fluent you will become.

To make our students have a unique experience, we promote activities to give opportunities to talk while having fun. By exploring restaurants, parks, museums, trips and many other activities to give opportunities for students to engage in conversations.

  1. Participate in Language Exchange Programs

As we promoted before our institution offer programs where the student can focus speaking. You can choose to start improving your conversation from the lower levels and feel more confident in your speaking skills as you go.

Furthermore, we also offer General English the course that improves speaking, grammar, reading and listening from the Beginner (A1) to Advanced level (C1 and C2) on part-time  programs with 15 hours  per week or full time 30 hours per week.

Full-time students in General English can also improve their fluency with elective classes like Conversation Strategies and Pronunciation.

3- Take Advantage of Language Learning Apps

In addition to your efforts on an ESL school, language learning apps can be a valuable tool to practice and improve your English-speaking skills.

Apps like  Elsa  offer interactive exercises and real-time speaking practice that can complement your study abroad experience.

Also, using apps is great to learn and practice new vocabulary and grammar in a fun and engaging way. There is a free try-on period on some apps for the student to check if the app meet their expectations.

4- Seek Feedback from Native Speakers

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from native English speakers. Whether it’s a classmate, professor, or friend, getting constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.

Native speakers can provide insights into your pronunciation, grammar, and usage that can be invaluable in your language learning journey.

On our programs General English or Speaking Clinic, students take exams to evaluate their improvement every week, which means they get weekly oral feedback.

On top of that, each cycle (once per month) our student receives written feedback – individual progress report- with an average score from their past four weekly test, a score about their participation in class, a positive comment which says where they are doing great and constructive feedback showing areas to be improved.

We are proud of ourselves for giving each student individual attention.

5- Explore the Local Community

Get out of your shell!

Rather than being afraid of making mistakes, if you want to improve your conversational skills while you study abroad, one of the best ways is to get evolved with the local community.

Make the most of your time abroad by exploring free and paid gatherings. Attend local events, enroll in a gym or pick up a new hobby. Those are great ideas to start interacting with native speakers.

Most important is to interact with other English speakers as much as you can while you are in your cultural exchange.

These experiences will expose you to different accents, dialects, and conversational styles, broadening your understanding of the language and culture.

6- Be Patient and Persistent

Improving your English-speaking skills takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and remain persistent in your practice.

Remember that your first weeks may be hard since you are adapting not only to a new language but also to a new country. Also, if you enroll to a long program, sometimes how you feel on that day may influence your ability to engage in conversation.

The more you immerse yourself in the language, the more natural it will become.

Study abroad is more than a language learning it is a unique and transformative adventure.

Finally studying abroad provides a unique and immersive environment that can accelerate your English language development.

By actively engaging in conversations, participating in cultural activities, and seeking opportunities to practice, you’ll find yourself becoming a more confident and proficient English speaker.

Embrace the experience and let your study abroad adventure be a steppingstone to mastering English. If you want to improve your English send us an email:  admin@ittti.ca.

Thanks for reading our blog post today.